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Mac Lion Tips

CD Boot------------Hold down the C key while starting upUSB Boot--------Hold down the OPTION key (also the ALT key) while starting up

Creating a USB Boot or CD Installation for MAC OS X LION (Collected and Organized)

1. Download LION. (3.74G) Note: Do not install LION yet, the installation package will be automatically deleted after installation~ (If you have already upgraded to Lion and can only download it again, Apple will tell you that the system is already installed, which means you cannot download it directly. The solution to this problem is to hold down the option key while clicking install in the Mac App Store, which allows you to bypass the version check and download the Lion installer.)---From applefans2008 Thank you

2. Right-click the LION you just downloaded---Show Package Contents---Enter「SharedSupport」---You can see「InstallESD.dmg」

3. Open another----「Applications」------「Utilities」------「Disk Utility」---Drag InstallESD.dmg to the blank area on the left side of the Disk Utility window

4. Insert a USB drive (preferably over 5G) or a CD (DVD) The following will take the USB drive as an example, burning a CD is very simple~

5. In the 「Disk Utility」 select your USB drive----clickPartitionLabel---Format SelectionMac OS Extended (Journaled)---ClickOptions-----Select「CUID Partition Table」----Good----Apply

6. After partitioning~~ ClickRestoreLabel----Drag the left sideInstallESD.dmg Drag to the 「Source Disk」There, it will automatically recognize the address~ Then click「Restore」~~~~~~Wait, tremble~~

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