Title: Xuān Xuān Can Walk Now
Date: 2010-06-01 04:14:39
Xuān Xuān can walk now. After her first birthday, she started walking unsteadily. Sometimes, I worry that she might fall, but luckily, every time she falls, she lands on her bottom and it doesn't hurt. Sometimes, she gets up and continues walking, and sometimes she just sits on the ground and plays. Now, she is getting more and more stable in her walking. These past few nights, she has been having trouble sleeping peacefully. She wakes up in the middle of the night, so I have to put her on the big bed to sleep. She still wakes up at 6:30 am every day. Now, she can even call her dad to wake up and she hands me the glasses I put on the bedside table. After finishing her meals every day, she wants to play non-stop. Now, she goes to sleep at around nine o'clock.