Title: Failed to Add NFS Datastore Due to Timeout
Date: 2011-04-20 12:37:42
Fault Status
Failed to add NFS Datastore due to timeout.
Fault Analysis
Windows Services for UNIX does not support NFS mounting from ESXi/ESX hosts, so this issue may occur. The following steps need to be followed correctly:
- Install Windows Services for UNIX (WSFU).
- Copy the password and group files from the ESXi/ESX host to the Windows server.
- Configure WSFU to allow access from the ESXi/ESX host.
- Share the Windows folder using NFS.
- Configure the ESXi/ESX host to add the Windows NFS server shared folder as a Datastore.
Process of Installing Windows Services for UNIX (WSFU):
- Download the WSFU installation file from the provided address.
- Double-click on the setup.exe file and select Custom Installation.
- Choose to install the following components:
- Open the NFS option, select Server for NFS, and choose "Will be installed on local hard drive."
- Open the Authentication tools for NFS, click on User Name Mapping, and choose "Will be installed on local hard drive."
- Open the Service Control Panel and change User Name Mapping to start automatically.
Copying the password and group files from the ESXi/ESX host to the Windows server:
Copy the /etc/passwd and /etc/group files to the WSFU server. You can use tools like WinSCP to complete this task. Download WinSCP here.
Configuring WSFU to accept connection requests from ESXi/ESX hosts:
- Select the local administrator user and map it to the root privilege user, then click Apply to take effect.
Sharing a Windows folder with the NFS server:
- Right-click on the folder you want to share with the NFS server.
- Click on NFS Sharing and enter the NFS share name, for example: vmanager-nfs.
- Remove the permissions allowing anonymous access.
- Click on the Permissions option and add the R+W permission type for Allow root Access.
Configuring the ESXi/ESX host to mount the Windows NFS server as VMFS:
- Confirm that the firewall has enabled permissions for nfsClient and opened the relevant ports.
- Simply add the NFS storage (it is straightforward, so no further explanation is needed).