Title: Installing Mac OS Lion on a Laptop with Apple Habits
Date: 2012-02-01 10:18:26
Here are the tutorials:
http://bbs.pcbeta.com/viewthread-948500-1-1.html[This tutorial is enough] Installing the original version under Win7Lion 10.7.2 [with perfect Y450 drivers and all tools]
Create a partition, allocate at least 20GB for the Mac OS Lion system. Create a 6GB partition to store the contents of the installation disk.
Use a series of tools to copy the contents of the Lion system disk to the 6GB disk, including the cracked files.
Use the boot tool to start from the 6GB disk and follow the instructions to complete the installation.
The most difficult part is the drivers. After installation, some drivers may not be found, so you have to test them step by step.
It is recommended to allocate around 10GB for the system disk, which can be used for ghost testing to quickly recover from any issues.
Successfully installed on a Samsung laptop R728, the graphics card driver works, but the sound card doesn't. Will try again.
Using a virtual machine is slow, if it's not feasible for development, it can be used for testing.