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zz Tornado 2.0 released, a web server written in Python - Open Source China

Title: Tornado 2.0 Released, a Web Server Written in Python - Open Source China
Date: 2012-03-16 11:57:30

Tornado web server is a lightweight, highly scalable, and non-blocking IO web server software written in Python. The famous Friendfeed website is built using it.

Tornado differs from other mainstream web server frameworks (mainly Python frameworks) in that it uses epoll non-blocking IO, resulting in fast response times and the ability to handle thousands of concurrent connections, making it particularly suitable for real-time web services.

The biggest changes in Tornado 2.0 are:

  1. Automatic escaping of template output, which may cause backward compatibility issues.

  2. The default implementation of AsyncHTTPClient has been changed to simple_httpclient.

  3. Support for Python 3.2.

Furthermore, Tornado 2.0 is completely incompatible with previous versions 1.x. For a detailed list, please refer to:

Via Tornado 2.0 Released, a Web Server Written in Python - Open Source China.

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