

这里是openkava 的blog,关注程序开发的一切技术。 ZZ 表示转载的文章,如涉及版权,请和我联系删除。 在这里你可以看到关于以下技术的文章: 移动开发技术,ANDROID ,IOS,WINDOWS PHONE平台开发,企业ERP开发,动态脚本PYTHON ,OPENGL ES 3D技术,游戏开发技术,HTML5 ,JAVASCRIPT ,MYSQL,AMAZON EC2 ,GOOGLE GAE ,GOOGLE CLOUD SQL 等 。 本站发展历程: 2010年,正式把所有的blog移到这里,租用godaddy的空间,记录生活和工作上的一些心得。 下面是关于我的个人介绍,写在这里权当凑字数啦。 职业:软件开发,开发经验6年,管理经验3年; 工作上使用的技术:C#, SQL SERVER 个人使用的技术:PYTHON,PHP, CSS, JAVA ,ANDROID ,object-c 等等 联系我请发邮件:<a href=""><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-96" title="邮箱" src="" alt="" width="174" height="24" /></a>

zz Toolbox -- iceskysl@eoe -- eoe Developer Community

Toolkit -- iceskysl@eoe -- eoe Developer Community.


I started using a Mac in 2008, and it has become indispensable in my work and life. Below are the tools I commonly use for reference.

Common Tools#

    • Chrome (Recommended): Since I started using Chrome, no other browser has attracted me. I highly recommend this (I prefer the dev version).

    • Adium: Compatible with multiple chat accounts, I use it for MSN, Google Talk, and Google App Talk;

    • QQ for Mac: With continuous upgrades, the current version is great and qualifies as a decent Mac software;

    • MPlayerX: Previously, I used VLC a lot, but after discovering MPlayerX, I hardly use VLC anymore. It's a very powerful video player;

    • Pixelmator: A drawing tool

    • FileZilla: FTP tool, I used FTP software when I was on Windows, especially like its support for SFTP connections and transfers.

    • 7zX: A very powerful compression software, the compressed Chinese files are compatible with Windows.

    • Evernote: Text recording, a very powerful note-taking software that can sync, much more powerful than a simple notepad. With this, other text recording software is unnecessary (especially great when used with iOS or Android clients). This article was written in Evernote;

    • Dropbox: File synchronization software, also very powerful, sync your files so you can access them anywhere, very easy to use (some areas in China are blocked, find a way yourself);

    • IMKQIM: A relatively old input method, quite good, I use FIT less;

    • Quicksilver: A very great software for quick launching, no need to manually search;

Professional Tools#

    • TextMate: Claimed to be the programmer's magic tool, but actually any tool you get used to is good. TextMate is indeed excellent, so excellent that even though its support for Chinese fonts is poor, it is still a must-install;

    • MacVim: This is also a magic tool, mastering Vim means you won't be afraid wherever you go;

    • iTerm: Essential software for managing SSH connections

    • MongoHub: A tool for managing MongoDB

    • Sequel Pro: MySQL management tool, very powerful;

    • MySQLWorkbench: MySQL management, used for table structure design;

    • GitHub: Essential for those using GitHub, very easy to use

    • GitX: A visual Git tool, you have no reason not to use it

    • Balsamiq Mockups: Prototyping tool, very great

    • OmniGraffle Professional: Professional drawing tool, no need for others;

    • Mindjet MindManager: Mind mapping tool

    • RESTClient: REST testing tool

    • KeyCastr: Tool for displaying keyboard shortcuts

    • keycue: Displays software shortcuts

  • Time Out: Software for setting break times
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